
Library Advocacy

Promotion of MDMLG Health Sciences Award

The December 8, 2005 MDMLG Program featured a panel discussion of four local librarians on the subject of "Saving Your Library." Here are some of the links which were mentioned during that panel discussion.


Submitted by Theresa Arndt, MLS
Taubman Medical Library, University of Michigan
1135 East Catherine St 0726, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2038
voice: 734-936-1397 fax: 734-763-1473
email: tarndt@umich.edu

Advocacy Quotes [from professional journals]. MS Word document
"Advocacy Quotes - The following quotes, as compiled by Deb Weaver of the Children's Hospital in Denver and the Colorado Council of Medical Librarians advocacy team, relate to the importance of having a medical librarian on staff."

Advocacy for Medical Librarians
Links to various advocacy resources on the web; from the NN/LM Pacific Northwest Region


Submitted by Carole Gilbert
Helen L. DeRoy Medical Library
Providence Hospital and Medical Centers
16001 West Nine Mile Road
Southfield, MI 48075

Chapter Council Sharing Roundtables
Medical Library Association Annual Meeting / San Antonio, Texas, May 2005


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