
Customer Service Bibliography


MDMLG Program / February 21, 2002 

Albrecht, Karl and Ron Zemke. Service America in the New Economy. New York : McGraw-Hill, 2001.

Bailey, Keith and Karen LeLand. Customer Service for Dummies. Foster City, CA : IDG Books, 1995.

Baird, Kristen. Customer Service in Health Care : A Grassroots Approach to Creating a Culture of Service Excellence. New York : Wiley, 2000.

Berry, Leonard L. Discovering the Soul of Service : The Nine Drivers of Sustainable Business Success. New York : Free Press, 1999.

Brandt, D. Scott. "Capitalizing on Customer Service Redundancies". Computers in Libraries 21 (September 2001) : 61-3.  (Available through First Search)

Crossno, Jon E., Brenda Berkins and Nancy Gotcher. "Assessment of Customer Service in Academic Health Care Libraries (ACSAHL) : An Instrument for Measuring Customer Service – ACSAHL vs SERVQUAL at University of Texas Southwestern". Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 89 (April 2001) : 170-6.  (Available through PubMed Central)

Customer Service : More Than a Smile. Towson, MD : ALA Video/Library Video Network, 1991.

Fish! : Catch the Energy, Release the Potential. Burnsville, MN : Charthouse International Learning Corporation, 1998.

Film is intended to show employees how to generate the energy needed for a high morale work environment. Video highlights four main concepts : Play, Make Their Day, Be There, and Choose Your Attitude. Also portrays the playful atmosphere necessary for creativity to flourish.

General Hospitable : Keeping Your Patients Satisfied (And Just Plain Keeping Them!). Carlsbad, CA : CRM Films, 1999.

Comprised of seven mini-episodes, the film depicts a day-in-the-life of a patient – Gladys – beginning with her admission to the hospital and continuing right on through to her discharge. At each stage, viewers first see somewhat lackluster interactions between Gladys and health professionals followed by actively caring ones – a juxtaposition that neatly drives home what an enormous difference a shift in focus can mean to patient and staff alike.

Goleski, Elaine. "Learning to Say ‘Yes’ : A Customer Service Program for Library Staff". Library Administration & Management. 9 (Fall 1995) : 211-15.

Hernon, Peter and Ellen Altman. Assessing Service Quality : Satisfying the Expectations of Library Customers. Chicago : American Library Association, 1998.

Hernon, Peter and John R. Whitman. Delivering Satisfaction and Service Quality : A Customer-Based Approach for Libraries. American Library Association, 2001.

Heskett, James L., W. Earl Sasser and Leonard A. Schlesinger. The Service Profit Chain : How Leading Companies Link Profit and Growth to Loyalty, Satisfaction, and Value. New York : Free Press, 1997.

It’s a Dog’s World. Carlsbad, CA : CRM Films, 1993.

Contrasts the good and bad aspects of patient services through the story of a man and his dog.

Kyrillidou, Martha and Fred M. Health. "Measuring Service Quality". Library Trends 49 (Spring 2001) : 549-799.  (Individual articles available through First Search)

Leebov, Wendy, Gail Scott and Lolma Olson. Achieving Impressive Customer Service : 7 Strategies for the Health Care Manager. New York : Jossey-Bass, 1998.

Leebov, Wendy and Gail Scott. Service Quality Improvement : The Customer Satisfaction Strategy for Health Care. Chicago : American Hospital Association, 1994.

Leebov, Wendy, Susan H. Afriat and Jeanne Presha. Service Savvy Health Care : One Goal at a Time. Chicago : American Hospital Association, 1998.

Leonicio, Maggie. "Going the Extra Mile : Customer Service With a Smile". The Reference Librarian 72 (2001) : 51-63.

Lubans, John. "To Save the Time of the User : Customer Service at the Millenium". Library Administration & Management 15 (Summer 2001) : 179-82.  (Available through First Search)

Miller, Glenn. Customer Service & Innovation in Libraries. Fort Atkinson, WI : Highsmith Press, 1996.

Sherman, Stephanie G. and V. Clayton Sherman. Total Customer Satisfaction : A Comprehensive Approach for Health Care Providers. San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 1999.

Smith, Kitty. Serving the Difficult Customer : A How-To-Do-It Manual for Library Staff. New York : Neal Schuman, 1994.

St. Clair, Guy. Customer Service in the Information Environment. London : Bowker-Saur, 1993.

Talley, Mary and Joan Axelroth. "Talking About Customer Service". Information Outlook 5 (December 2001) : 6-13.  (Available to members on SLA web site)

Telephone Doctor video series -- http://www.telephonedoctor.com 

Toch, M. Uri. "The Yin and Yang of Customer Service". Public Libraries 40 (Mar/Apr 2001) : 88-89.  (Available through First Search)

Walters, Suzanne. Customer Service : A How-To-Do-It Manaul for Librarians. New York : Neal-Schuman, 1994.

Wehmeyer, Susan, Dorothy Auchter and Arnold Hirshon. "Saying What We Will Do, and Doing What We Say : Implementing a Customer Service Plan". Journal of Academic Librarianship 22 (May 1996) : 173-80.  (Available through First Search)

Weingard, Darlene E. Customer Service Excellence : A Concise Guide for Librarians. Chicago : American Library Association, 1997.

Westbrook, Lynn. Identifying and Analyzing User Needs : A Computer Handbook and Ready-To-Use Assessment Workbook. New York : Neal Schuman, 2001.

Zemke, Ron and John A. Woods, eds. Best Practices in Customer Service. New York, AMACOM, 1999.


Mary Jo Durivage


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