Compensation & Benefits Committee
Goals & Objectives 2004-2005


Committee Members: Mary Jo Durivage (Chair), Diane Piskorowski, Cheryl H. Gassen 


To address a need for current marketplace compensation and benefits data among hospital librarians in the Metropolitan Detroit area.


The MDMLG Salary and Benefit survey will not be conducted during 2005 since it has traditionally been a biennial activity.

The Committee will:

  • Review the survey questions and procedures involved in conducting the survey to ensure relevancy and usefulness of the 2006 survey. Recommend changes to Board for their approval.
  • Recommend to MDMLG Board that the formal "value" survey normally conducted during the odd years requesting feedback and ideas on modifying the survey be substituted by an informal means such as at a business meeting or posted to the MDMLG mail group or both. This was a recommendation made by the previous chair in her annual report. Take action as appropriate.
  • Monitor professional library literature for articles pertaining to librarian salaries, especially that of health sciences librarians.

  • Assist previous chair, if needed, in disseminating the results of the 2004 survey.

  • File an annual report and maintain Committee file for MDMLG archives.

Submitted by Mary Jo Durivage
August 15, 2004


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