Secretary Annual Report



  1. To generate minutes of the five Board Meetings (August, October, January, March and May).
  2. To generate minutes of the five Business Meetings (September, November, February, April and June).
  3. Mail out meeting notices with the minutes for Business meetings. The Board Meetings are now announced on the MDMLG web site.
  4. Distribute meeting minutes at the appropriate meeting.
  5. Generate minutes in a timely fashion so they may be mounted on the MDMLG web site with the President’s approval.


The Secretary generated the above meeting minutes and distributed them at the proper meeting. The previous Business Meeting minutes were mailed with the Program Announcements at least 3-4 weeks before each meeting. The June meeting announcement and the April minutes were mailed out by Gina Hug.

The Secretary requested mailing labels of the individual and institutional members from the Membership Chair and used these for all the Business Meeting mailings.

The Secretary kept a copy of all minutes and meeting announcements in the secretary’s binder.

This was the first full year whereby all minutes were mounted on the MDMLG web site. Program Announcements were also mounted. These were mounted by the Webmaster, Valerie Reid.

Respectfully submitted,


Sylvia Graham,
Secretary – MDMLG
21 June 2001


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