Ad Hoc Committee Organizational Funds Analysis & Review
Annual Report



  • Safeguard solvency
  • Support Group’s Objectives as stated in the MDMLG Constitution
  • Provide benefit for all Group members



1.  Recommend keeping 2x yearly expenses on hand in savings & checking account.

For this year, that amount kept on hand would have been $10,750.
5 year average of expenses = $5,375
2 x 5,375 = $10,750

2.  Recommend any overage invested in a Certificate of Deposit (CD) in the organization’s name or names of Treasurer & Secretary.

For this year, that amount would have been $3,725

$14,474.86 total funds as of August 29, 2000

- 10,750.00 amount to keep on hand

$3,725.00 invest

3.  Recommend interest income from CD be deposited into the checking account to offset expenses accrued during the year.

4.  Treasurer responsible for maintaining CD investments. Split funds into 2 CDs so ½ the money is available every 6 months, to increase access to funds should an emergency arise.

5.  Money from investment is reflected in financial reports (balance sheet, Treasurer’s report) as income

The income will offset some of the declines in membership renewals and increase in expenses. It may push back the need to increase dues. It will not replace the need for members and membership drives. It may allow the Group to present quality programming to draw in current and potential members.


Conclusions of Committee

  • Income reduces impact of expenses enabling Group to continue to sponsor activities. For example:
  • Interest income in the balance sheet may enable Program & Professional Development committees to
  • Plan programs with a higher break even cost.
  • Pay for food at meetings hosted by hospital
  • Organize meetings at places other than hospitals which charge for space
  • Reduce the cost per person at programs or CE
  • Enable CE class to run at less than breakeven
  • Budgets are spent to support Objectives of MDMLG as stated in the Constitution with approval by the Board.
  • No new committees will be created.
  • Benefits all members, no need to choose which members will benefit. No stringent guidelines created which might cause conflict between members.
  • Process works into existing operating processes



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