MHSLA Representative
Annual Report
MEETINGS Annual Meetings
GENERAL HIGHLIGHTS This was the first year the Board incorporated the use of teleconferencing technology. A bridge was used to connect the Board meeting at Sparrow Hospital in Lansing to the representatives of NMHSLG in Traverse City and UPHSLC in the Upper Peninsula. The website and listserv was moved from the MSU server to the GMR server at UIC. Upgrades of functionality and design to the website continue. GMR grant funds were made available to three sites in Michigan for the NLM PDA teleconference. The sites chosen were Spectrum in Grand Rapids, Munson in Traverse City and Burns in Petoskey. ARCHIVIST There are currently 23 boxes in the Archive. The contents have been entered into a Microsoft Access database. A permanent home for the Archives is being investigated. A review of the archival policy regarding the retention of memorabilia is being discussed. AUDIT The annual audit was conducted on March 6, 2002. Everything was in order. BYLAWS No proposed changes at this time. CONFERENCE PLANNING Work continues with the Education and Local Arrangements Committees on the 2002 Annual Educational Conference. Education Committee
Local Arrangements
COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT and DOCUMENT DELIVERY Because of considerable overlapping of charges and goals, these two committees will combine into the RESOURCES SHARING COMMITTEE. The MISHULS (Michigan Health Sciences Libraries Union List of Serials) was updated. The list contains approximately 22,000 records (500 pages), includes institutions that do not participate in Docline, and does not include universities. 24 copies were printed and distributed at a cost of about $40.00 each. The committee is investigating ETF (Electronic Transfer of Funds) for interlibrary loans. It was felt that a resource library would be needed to make this viable. MEMBERSHIP Benefits of institutional and personal membership are being reviewed. The current practice of allowing the staff of institutional members to receive member pricing for educational programs is not clear in the current Bylaws. This matter is still under discussion. NOMINATING The positions open for election include President-Elect, Treasurer and Nominating Committee. The slate was presented and approved by the Board. PUBLICATIONS The website and listserv was moved from the MSU server to the GMR server at UIC. An Ad Hoc Committee was formed and investigating several template designs. The URL is The membership directory is now available as a pdf file from the web page. RESEARCH The thesis for the research project is that the "Hospital Medical Library Has A Positive Influence For The Recruitment of Medical Staff." The survey will be sent to staff physicians and residents utilizing the mailing lists from the Michigan State Medical Society and the Michigan Osteopathic Association. TECHNOLOGY 21 Michigan health sciences libraries are participating in the StatRef MHSLA consortia. Additional MHSLA sponsored group purchasing of electronic resources is being investigated. These could include electronic journals, books, databases and integrated library systems. The pros and cons of a MHSLA owned proxy server is being discussed. MHSLA was turned down for a LSTA grant for Ariel in hospital libraries.
Respectfully Submitted Joan A. Emahiser
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