Compensation & Benefits Committee Annual Report -


Committee Members:

Gayle Williams, Chair
Mary Jo Durivage
Diane Piskorowski


  1. Compile data and disseminate a report of the 2002 Compensation & Benefits Survey results by the end of the calendar year.
  2. Complete a "value" survey of the members of MDMLG to assess their usage of the compensation and benefit information analysis and adjust the full survey as necessary.
  3. Investigate survey return rate, categories of membership to whom the survey is mailed and methods to increase survey response.
  4. Make recommendations to the Board regarding continuation of committee activities.
  5. File an annual report and maintain the committee file for the Archives.


  1. Compiled and analyzed data from the 2002 Salaries and Benefits Survey. Mailed the report of the survey to the membership. The survey was mailed to 27 MDMLG hospital-based institutional members. Fourteen completed survey forms were returned for a 52% response rate.
  2. Maintained the committee file and have filed an annual report of the committee’s activities.

In Process:

  1. Designing, mailing and analyzing responses to a survey regarding the value and format of the Salary and Benefits Survey is in process.

MDMLG Compensation & Benefits Committee
June 12, 2003


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