Volume 26 Number 2
November 1999



Beth Salzwedel, Editor
Alexia Estabrook, Web Master

Table of Contents

Collection Development
New WSU Dean
Library Marketing

Collection Development is alive & well.

What a treat to hear Dorothy Hill speak at the September meeting and to actually meet the person we’ve all come to know through her work. As a follow-up to her presentation, below you’ll find a short list of recent articles about collection development, in the health sciences as well as the broader library literature.

 Health Science Library Literature

  1. Blecic DD, et al. Collection development and outsourcing in academic health sciences libraries: a survey of current practices. Bull Med Libr Assoc. 1999 Apr;87(2):178-86. UI: 99236217

  2.  Hill DR.  Brandon/Hill selected list of books and journals for the small medical library. Bull Med Libr Assoc. 1999 Apr;87(2):145-69. UI: 99236215

  3.  Blecic DD.  Measurements of journal use: an analysis of the correlations between three methods.  Bull Med Libr Assoc. 1999 Jan;87(1):20-5. UI: 99133288

  4. Fishman DL, et al. Rich in resources/deficient in dollars! Which titles do reference departments really need? Bull Med Libr Assoc. 1998 Oct;86(4):545-50. UI: 99020140

  5. Eldredge JD. The vital few meet the trivial many: unexpected use patterns in a monographs collection. Bull Med Libr Assoc. 1998 Oct;86(4):496-503. UI: 99020132

  6.  Curry A, et al. Information on alternative medicine: a collection management issue.  Bull Med Libr Assoc. 1998 Jan;86(1):95-100. UI: 98210159

  7. Grey-Lloyd J  CD-ROMs review 1995-1997: a multicentre pilot trial. Health Libr Rev. 1998 Mar;15(1):49-57. UI: 98265804

  8.  Schader B.  The rising cost of health care publications. Why science is becoming a luxury purchase. Cost Qual Q J. 1997 Dec;3(4):11-3. UI: 98157792

  9. Thompson ML.  Characteristics of information resources preferred by primary care physicians.  Bull Med Libr Assoc. 1997 Apr;85(2):187-92. Review. UI: 97303854

  10. Brandon AN, et al.  Selected list of books and journals for the small medical library.  Bull Med Libr Assoc. 1997 Apr;85(2):111-35. UI: 97303846

  11. Miller J Primary clientele as a predictor of interlibrary borrowing: a study of academic health sciences libraries.  Bull Med Libr Assoc. 1997 Jan;85(1):11-5. UI: 97180390

General Library Literature

  1. Kushkowski JD, et al. A method for building core journal lists in interdisciplinary subject areas. Journal of Documentation 1998 Sep;54(4):477-88.

  2. Schneider, KG. Let your fingers do the collection development – online. American Libraries 1999 May;30(5):100.

  3. Helfer DS. Making digital collection development a relaity: the CSU JACC project. Searcher 1999May:7(5):57-9.

  4. Kniffel L. Collection development: enemy of the swift and stingy. American Libraries 1999 Apr;30(4):36.

  5. Holley RP. Cooperative collection development: yesterday, today and tomorrow. Collection Management 1998;23(4):19-35.

  6. Bramom JJ. Shifting boundaries: managing research library at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Collection Management 1998;23(4):1-17

  7. Whisler K, et al. Evaluating selected full-text databases for collection development. Illinois Libraries 1998 Fall;80(4):239-48

  8. Johnson MA. Dollars and sense: a primer on collection management. Technicalities 1998 Oct;18(9):1+

Beth A. Salzwedel
Information Center, D’Arcy

New Director for the WSU Library and Information Science Program

Dr Diane Walster has recently begun work as the Director of the LIS program at Wayne State University. She has moved to WSU from the School of Education at the University of Colorado at Denver. She received her library degree and her doctorate from the University of Washington.

Some of her particular interests are in time management (Managing time: a how to do it manual for librarians, 1993) and in information access in a number of different settings. She is concerned about information technology in libraries and elsewhere. One example she gave me is information movement from an HMO to the physicians and back!  She also has extended experience as a school librarian.

Dr Walster plans to attend the November 18 MDMLG meeting. After that we will have a further article to introduce some of her ideas and plans.

Maureen W. LeLacheur
Sladen Library, Henry Ford Hospital

Library Marketing

Who hasn’t heard of “”? Know why it remains the online bookstore of choice for readers? According to PC Magazine more than 70% of the readers gave the site top rating for customer satisfaction. 1 The readers rated three categories: 1) product selection, 2) ease of navigation and 3) customer support, making this site extremely easy to use and thus very popular. Why can’t information professionals learn from for-profit corporations?

Special libraries develop their own culture and clientele according to Janet E. Powers; “marketing plans in special libraries integrate library goals with organizational goals and objectives”. 2 Special libraries provide special service to specialized clientele in their specific location or library. We need to market these special services and promote a more customer service oriented approach. Eugene Prime, a corporate library manager for Hewlett-Packard, state that librarians are fulfilling their mission at Hewlett-Packard by enhancing access to information and delivering tools through a virtual library project. She says, “I don’t know why libraries do no see it’s important that they have somebody who is totally dedicated to doing marketing. It doesn’t make sense investing in library services in library services unless you’re going to communicate them to people who can use them.” 3 We need to work more on providing services and integrated marketing planning, which our customers need, no on services that we want to provide.

Planning and surveying also helps to evaluate customer information needs as we want to improve new information services new products and obtain new clients. We need to strive beyond any current organizational expectations, as corporations downsize and streamline all operations. As we develop new ways to communicate our services, we will move our libraries into a more prominent role leading us into the 21st century.

  1. PC Computing 1999 Nov 16;18(20):130+

  2. Library Trends 1995 Win;43(3):479+

  3. Online 1999 Sep-Oct;23(5):34+

Laura Lewis
Medical Library, Sinai-Grace Hospital


New DOCLINE Deployment Schedule
Earlier last month, Martha Fishel, Deputy Chief, PSD of the NLM DOCLINE Deployment Team issued a memo regarding the new DOCLINE deployment schedule.  The contents of the memo are summarized in this article and a full copy of the memo can be viewed on the MDMLG DOCLINE/QUICKDOC page at

The original target date for the release of the new web-based DOCLINE system, which will incorporate DOCLINE borrorwing and lending functions, DOCUSER, and SERHOLD was December 1, 1999.  NLM has decided this date is no longer realistic and be deploying the new system as follows:

As of September 1, 1999 all libraries must now use the web-based system, available at, to search DOCUSER information.  At the moment this is a “view only” system and suggestions are welcome.  The RMLs will continue to create new DOCUSER records  and edit existing records.  Changes can be submitted at either or by emailing NLM Staff at or

Until further notice, all libraries should continue updating their SERHOLD records through MSU.  DOCLINE will continue to read all changes made to the current online SERHOLD system.  The last batch update to SERHOLD took place in July 1999 and there will be no further batch updates until late in the year 2000.

The current DOCLINE system, in its entirety, will remain in place until the cutover date for the new system is announced.  All libraries will be given ample notice.  The current deployment deadline will be February 14, 1999.

Alexia Estabrook
St. John Hospital & Medical Center


MDMLG General Business Meeting The next General Business Meeting is Thursday, November 18, 1999 at St. John Detroit Riverview Hospital.  Details about this and future meetings can be found at the Meetings page.

Gina Hug is now supervising Document Delivery at Henry Ford Hospital Sladen Library.  Congratulations Gina!

Ann St. Clair has taken a job with the University of Montana in Butte, Montana as a reference library.  She starts mid-November.  Best wishes Ann.

Understaffed librarians may find it easier to budget occasional "purchased service" costs than to hire additional staff.  Carol Attar, former Library Director at Bon Secours Cottage Health Services, will use her 24 years of experience to assist you with MEDLINE searches when you are away - or your inbox is overflowing - from her home office to your library or direct to your patron, if you prefer.  To discuss specifics, contact her at 313-881-0817.

Alexia Estabrook
St. John Hospital & Medical Center

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