volume 26 number 1
September 1999



Beth Salzwedel, Editor
Alexia Estabrook, Web Master

Table of Contents

President's Message
Dorothy Hill


Executive Board Report


President's Message

Dear MDMLG Members,

This is not quite the letter I expected to write, I thought I would be agonizing over the need to write an inspiring, far-sighted address. Instead, this letter wrote itself and is meant to update you of changes in the organization and invite you to participate. This year will reflect a new, more streamlined organizational structure and changes in how Group members communicate.

A professional association is a reflection of its members. Members choose what they will support by formal means such as a vote and informal means, i.e., meeting attendance, volunteering for committee work. This year's committees have the necessary members to carry out the goals of the Group with one notable exception; there is no Newsletter Editor. I wasn’t able to fill the Communications Committee Chair vacancy. Another opening which was difficult to fill was the Professional Development Committee Chair. These two events impact our Group in differing ways.

First, I'd like to focus on the lack of Editor for the MDMLG News. Not having an Editor, forced me to rethink the cost and work associated with producing a print version of the newsletter. The most reasonable solution seemed to be to go digital. Consequently, the newsletter will become a part of the MDMLG web page with the September issue. This transition comes a bit more abruptly than I would have liked but I am very excited about the change. Changing to a web format is an excellent use of our talents and resources as well as being economically sensible.

Alexia Estabrook and I will serve as Co-Chairs of the Communications Committee and I will serve as Acting Editor for one year. Alexia has agreed to continue as Web Master and is responsible for mounting the web version of the MDMLG News two weeks before each MDMLG General Meeting. Look for articles on Dorothy Hill, Docline changes and a summary of the new organizational structure on September 9th at the new web page address

I’m hoping the change doesn’t pose a hardship to members and anyone without web access should contact Alexia or me. Please be patient as the committee works to perfect the latest newsletter. Better yet, volunteer to help make it better.

Regarding the difficulty of finding a Professional Development Chair, I find it to be troubling on a professional level. At a time when this committee is truly in need of strong leadership, ideas and direction, no one volunteered and several people declined my request. The reasons are familiar; I have felt the same way. Continuing education is a marathon and it’s tiring; in fact, it's exhausting. I believe the change in work duties, the pace, the extent and expectations of our jobs is representative of most professionals in our field.

However, no one else understands or is able to address your challenges like your colleagues. One of the values of a professional organization is synergy; our combined efforts accomplish more in total than the sum of our individual efforts. I also believe this Group can apply that synergy to a challenge you currently face at work.

MDMLG is reflecting the variety of choices we face as professionals. Do we need a paper copy of the newsletter or can digital words & pictures communicate effectively? Do we need professional development such as continuing education classes, brown bag lunches and a committee that communicates technology updates to the Group? We face these questions today.

How do you feel about these changes? If you don't like them, get involved. If they excite you, get involved. If you don't care either way, get involved, find an interest that inspires you to brush off those dusty running shoes. Take this year and consider, knowing the choice you make is reflected by your professional organizations.

With warm regards,

Beth A. Salzwedel
President, MDMLG

Featured Speaker for September Meeting

Dorothy R. Hill is noted for many accomplishments.  We all know her as the Hill half of Brandon-Hill Selected List of Books and Journals for the Small Medical Library.  This list has become the Bible of book buying for so many of us. We are thankful for the guidance this tool has provided over the years as some of us have entered into some pretty horrible library situations.  My first Library was arranged into categories; Surgery, Internal Medicine, and a range called Potpourri. Nancy Bulgarelli arrived at a library where all the books had been arranged by color: all the yellow books together, all the red books together. Nancy figured some starving artists for moving people had been hired.

The famous book list was started by Alfred N. Brandon, M.S., M.A., a  medical library consultant who saw the need for a core list of books and journals when he was at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Its initial publication was greeted with instant popularity.  This list provided a document for hospital librarians that contained contemporary books and journals recommended by an authoritative source. It was also a means for hospital librarians to impress on the minds of their administrators the true cost of assembling a library collection as the prices of the books and journals were included in the list.

Dorothy became involved with the list when she was working at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine , City University of New York, as an acquisitions librarian.  She handled many books in a day and began calling Alfred. Brandon's attention to items she thought should be considered for the Brandon list. He began asking her opinion on titles for the list.

She emerged as co-author of the list in 1979. Alfred Brandon felt the purpose of the medical book was to provide basic knowledge rather than the cutting edge of technology. The list reflects this outlook and remains the standard for the hospital library collection; the one tool every medical librarian who ever had to choose a book uses.

Currently, she is Assistant Professor of  Medical Education and Collection Development Librarian , and as such, continues to influence the choices and content of the current Brandon Hill List. Her co-workers describe her as hardworking, approachable, thorough, and with the far sighted ability to perceive trends and to assess new books with aplomb.

Gay Byrnes
Providence Hospital & Medical Centers


From: Rosalyn M. Leiderman, Collection Access Section, National Library of Medicine

The tentative schedule for release of the Web-based DOCLINE system is December 1. 
We expect to begin beta-testing the new system October 15, after completing intensive 
testing at NLM. The current DOCLINE system will continue to operate until the new 
system is available either through a dial-up connection with a value-added network
service or Telnet through Internet. When the new system is deployed, it will not be 
possible to maintain the old DOCLINE system, as all the data for the complex routing 
scheme, patron identification, and serials holdings will have been converted to the new 
Oracle based system.

 In response to users concerns regarding the use of Internet Explorer v 5.0, NLM has 
determined that the new DOCLINE system will be functional with Internet Explorer v 4.0.
Though the optimum browsers for the new DOCLINE system are Internet Explorer 5.0 
and Netscape 4.06 or higher, Internet Explorer 4.0 will work correctly with the possible 
exception of the "printing receipts" function.  An interlibrary loan request will be printed 
correctly, however, printing may not be completely controllable.  For example, depending
 on the exact version and configuration of your browser, a blank page may be produced 
between requests or multiple requests may be printed on the same page.

AT&T FTS2000
The AT&T FTS2000 service will cease on September 30, 1999.  NLM will have a new 
value-added network service provider effective October 1.  An announcement will be 
made in mid-September.

Access to EHILL DOCUSER will cease on September 30, 1999.  In October, 
DOCLINE libraries will have access to DOCUSER through the Web.  An announcement 
of the URL  will be made in late September.

New Docline will offer some new features such as allowing users to exchange messages 
(requests) between ILL systems. The old LIBID and SERHOLD Code will be replaced 
by a new LIBID. The request number will be a sequential number up to a maximum of 
eight digits. It may be displayed and printed (optionally) in a barcode format on the 
receipt. The new request number will not begin with the borrower’s SERHOLD code. 
Loansome Doc requests will no longer begin with LDX or LDD. The Loansome Doc 
request number will be retained when it is transferred to DOCLINE. The new system 
will allow users to submit and retrieve requests, search and update DOCUSER, search
and update SERHOLD, access a list of Loansome Doc patrons, change their password, 
and access online help.

In response to concerns expressed at the recent MLA Annual Conference regarding the 
use of JavaScript and cookies, NLM has developed a test site to ensure that librarians 
can access the new DOCLINE system Users are 
encouraged to test their browsers and upgrade the browser if needed.

NLM has established an e-mail address for comments from users

QuickDoc for Windows is currently being written by Jay Daly and will use a32-bit 
system which will be user friendly for WIN 95, 98 or NT 4.0 or greater.  Everyone will 
have to use the communicator KERMIT95 or ProComm Plus 32 to execute the on-line 
session and QD4WIN will not be to choosy with what browser anyone is using. Within 
the Installation Instructions of the first chapter, in the new QuickDoc Manual, Version 
2.0, Jay Daly explains fully how to upgrade through windows Docline, using a 
step-by-step process in making a new program group, and a new program icon along 
with the access instructions for the Communication Program.  If you don’t own 
ProComm Plus for Windows, version 3, your library will need to purchase this separately,
since it will run the Internet telnet session right over your Windows TCP/IP setup.  Your 
other choice would be MS-Kermit 95 for your communicator, which is available via ftp 
from Columbia University.  This option is a little more complicated in the setup and 
configuration, instructions are also given in the QuickDoc manual for this application. If 
you have any problems, your library can always call Jay Daly, who can instruct anyone 
on the initial installation process or post a question on the QuickDoc listserv.

Laura Lewis
Sinai-Grace Hospital of Detroit

MDMLG Executive Board Report

In order to reflect current library activities, the responsibilities of some Executive Board 
members have been expanded and the committee structure of MDMLG has been altered.
An explanation to sort things out follows.


Unchanged Board Members

  • President
  • President-Elect (Chair of the Program Committee)
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Archivist


Unchanged Committees

  • Program
  • Professional Development
  • Nominating

New or Changed Board Members

  • One Board Member is now in charge of Public Relations
  • One Board Member is now in charge of Membership Services
  • The Past President is now in charge of Ad Hoc Committees and is the Parlimentarian
  • Auditor (reports to Board)


Committee Changes

  • The Current Awareness Committee has been folded into the Program Committee
  • The Newsletter Committee is now the Communications Committee and the Web Master


Basically the changes accomplished the following:

A streamlined Committee structure with Executive Board Members taking on additional
tasks. A Board member will manage the Public Relations functions and Membership 
Services. Each may form a committee as s/he sees fit in order to execute the charge and 
duties of the position.

Keir Reavie will be responsible for the Public Relations functions such as the MDMLG 
job bank, staffing the hospitality table at MDMLG General Business meetings, 
representing MDMLG at meetings of library associations meetings or schools as 
appropriate and creating and distributing MDMLG brochures, welcome packets, press

Similarly, Membership Services will be handled by Executive Board member Gina Hug
Gina will manage renewal forms, changes to membership records and distributing 
welcome packets to new members of MDMLG. Gina is also the person to contact for 
current membership mailing labels.

Jill VanBuskirk
Mount Clemens General Hospital


MDMLG General Business Meeting The next General Business Meeting is Thursday, September 23, 1999 at Providence Hospital and Medical Centers.  Details about this and future meetings can be found at the Meetings page.

Patty Scholl can now officially put MLIS after her name.  She graduated from Wayne State University in May and is looking forward to having some free time which isn't devoted to schoolwork.  Congratulations to Patty!

Daria Drobny had an article published in the spring issue of Topics in Spinal Cord Rehabilitation entitled Rehabilitation and Disability Resources on the Internet (1999;4(4):56-64).  Anyone interested in obtaining a copy of the article can contact Daria at (313)745-9862.  Well done, Daria!

LeaAnn McGaugh, formerly of St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital in Ann Arbor, is now the Manager at the McLaren General Hospital  Medical Library.  We will miss LeaAnn.

Ken Nelson, formerly of Marquette General Hospital Library, will soon be the Library Manager at St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital Reicker Memorial Library in Ann Arbor.  Ken starts September 21, 1999.  Welcome Ken!

Barbara Platts, formerly of William Beaumont Hospital in Troy is now the Library Director at Bon Secours Cottage Health Services.  We wish Barb well in her new position.

Diana Balint has returned to POH Medical Centers after a speedy recovery from her surgery.  Welcome back Diana!

Beth Salzwedel will soon be leaving Henry Ford Hospital to become the Director of the Information Center at the advertising agency of D'Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles.  Congratulations to Beth on her new position!

Alexia Estabrook
St. John Hospital & Medical Center
Aurora Healthcare, Inc.


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