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Metropolitan Detroit Medical Library Group
Program Committee
Annual Report


Committee Members: 

Barbara Platts, Chair
Connie Bongiorno
Nancy Bulgarelli
Toni Janik
Donna Marshall


The Program Committee met its stated objectives for the year by planning and implementing four programs in conjunction with four General Business meetings. The final program and business meeting will take place on June 16, 2000 at the Casino Windsor, Windsor, Canada.

Brown bag sessions were held at the November, February, and April meetings.

The 1999/2000 meeting agenda as organized by the Program Committee:

Date: September 23, 1999
Location: Providence Hospital and Medical Centers
Host: Carol Gilbert
Program: Collection Development - Then & Now
Speaker: Dorothy Hill
Coordinator: Barbara Platts


Date: November 18, 1999
Location: St. John Detroit Riverview Hospital
Host: Donna Marshall
Program: Marketing Library Services
Speaker: Judy Field
Coordinator: Donna Marshall


Date: February 17, 2000
Location: Wayne Community Center
Host: Connie Bongiorno
Program: Clinical Information Systems:  Outcomes Based Research and the Medical Record
Speaker: Bethany WIlliams
Coordinator: Connie Bongiorno


Date: April 13, 2000
Location: Garden City Hospital
Host: Chris Hunt
Program: New Roles & Opportunities for Reference Service in the Era of the Internet
Speaker: Richard Dougherty
Coordinator: Nancy Bulgarelli


Date: June 16, 2000
Location: Casino Windsor
Host: Toni Janik
Program: EbscoMed Presentation / Luncheon
Speaker: Ronna Archbold
Coordinator: Toni Janik

Sinai-Grace Hospital has been selected for the September 21, 2000 meeting site.


Continue to coordinate programs with MHSLA and SLA.

Continue to post program announcements on the MHSLA and MLA (Michigan Library Association) listserve.

Continue to evaluate each program and summarize the results on the MDMLG listserve.

Develop a program evaluation form for the MDMLG listserve.

Respectfully submitted,


Barbara Platts
MDMLG Program Committee
May 23, 2000