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Professional Development Committee
Annual Report 1999-2000


  1. Plan and implement one MLA/CE course (or equivalent)
  2. Plan and implement one class directed to the support of staff of MDMLG Institutional members
  3. Provide Brown Bag discussion topics for sessions prior to MDMLG meetings
  4. Prepare a projected budget and expense report for 1999-2000 fiscal year
  5. Prepare annual report
  6. Submit committee materials to the MDMLG archives
  7. Monitor current issues pertaining to professional librarians and provide this information to the membership in the most appropriate manner.

Committee Members

Karen Tubolino, Chair 
Diana Balint
Audrey Bondar 
Marilyn Dow
Sandra Martin
Ellen O’Donnell


The membership was surveyed in the fall to determine what topics were of the most interest and the web site was utilized for this purpose as well as paper forms. The most votes were for: Docline/QuickDoc (27); First Search (21); Time Management (17);Web pages (15); Power & Influence (15); and Distance Learning (15).

A Brown Bag on "Tips on Time Management Ideas in the Electronic Age’ was presented at the November meeting at Riverside by Marilyn Dow. It was well attended with many helpful ideas being exchanged.

The "Fundamentals of First Search" was presented by Sylvia Graham at the February 17 meeting. The main program was held first during lunch, the business meeting followed and then the ‘brown bag’ was held at 2PM. There was a large turnout.

Misa Mi presented the brown bag on April 13 at Garden City. Her topic was "OVID Medline vs. the New PubMed" and the program was given many positive reviews.

A daylong technology fair is being planned for spring, 2000. Sandra Martin, WSU and Chris Hunt, Garden City Hospital are co-chairing the event. They have applied to NLM for a grant to help defray expenses and a letter of support from the Chair of the Professional Development Committee was sent with the request. This will give us an opportunity to cooperate with other professional library groups.

A satellite program on "GIS in Public Health: using mapping and spatial analysis technologies for health protection" which was sponsored by the CDC was held at Detroit VAMC on May 11. CE can be obtained by going to their web site and completing the post-test. Carol Vandenberg facilitated the event that was attended by eight people, four of which were MDMLG members. A copy of the videotape is available and can be borrowed from the VA. There were no costs for the program. Carol will be sent an honorarium and there was a charge of $26.00 for light refreshments. Total expenditures: $76.00.

On Wednesday, May 24 2000 a class on "The New QuickDOC" was held at Purdy, WSU from 9AM to Noon. Jay Daly presented a preview of the windows based system which should be operational later this spring. This event is co-sponsored with MHSLA, and he will present a second class in Grand Rapids on May 25. There are 50 registrants for Detroit class and another 14 for the Grand Rapids class.  The fee is $35. (Preliminary analysis of the course evaluations showed that most of the attendees rated the program very highly. Some people felt it was too technical or would have preferred a ‘hands on’ course. This had been considered but with the uncertainty of the cutover date at NLM and the availability of a live system to work with, it was decided to have a lecture type presentation. Since this class was planned in conjunction with MHSLA, all expenses as well as any profit or loss will be shared with them. Final details will be supplied later but we expect to break even)


The incoming Board and the 2000/01 Chair of the Professional Development Committee have been kept aware of the initiation of a technology fair for next spring. That is to be the major focus for Professional Development in the coming year and will require the efforts of many people.

Our experience this year working with MHLSA to present the QuickDoc class will be helpful in efforts to coordinate future activities with other groups. It requires more coordination but the rewards of increased attendance and greater visibility are worthwhile.


Respectfully submitted,


Karen Tubolino, Chair
June, 2000